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Indian Fruit Pulp

delivering the best selection of Indian Fruit Pulp to you in a fast and efficient manner.

Kesar Mango Pulp

Our organization is engaged in offering Kesar Mango Pulp by extracting pulp from fine grade mangoes of right size, at suitable stage of ripeness. The preparation process includes inspection, cutting, de-stoning etc. which finally leads to the extraction of Kesar mango pulp. The finished pulp is hermetically packed into OTS cans after conducting a host of quality assurance tests. We lay special emphasis on maintaining hygienic conditions while processing the mangoes. The provided pulp is used on commercial scale in the food processing industry for making nectoars, juices, jams, fruit cheese, drinks, puddings, bakery fillings, ice-creams, confectionery, yoghurt and flavors.

Alphonso Mango Pulp

Most sophisticated techniques are used for harvesting, ripening and processing fresh mangoes. Once the pulping process is complete, the produced golden-yellow homogeneous Alphonso Mango Pulp is checked for quality by a dedicated team and hygienically packed into cans. The mango pulp obtained is free from cooked or off flavor of any kind. Our Alphonso Mango Pulp is in huge demand because of its uses in food processing industry for making mango juice, nectars, mango based drinks, jams, fruit cheese, mango ice-cream, dessert, puddings, bakery fillings, baby foods, flavors, yoghurt and confectionery